About Us
The Cartersville-Bartow County Department of Economic Development acts as a single point of contact for economic development for Cartersville and all of Bartow County. Under the direction of the Bartow-Cartersville Joint Development Authority, the Mission is to:
"Develop and promote trade, commerce, industry, and employment opportunities for the public good and general welfare of Cartersville, Bartow County and of the state of Georgia."
The Core Strategy is to:
"Maintain a balance of industrial, commercial and residential growth while protecting resources, the environment and the quality of life in Cartersville and Bartow County."
Joint Development Authority Board Members
James Jarrett, Chairman
Tommy Strickland, Vice-Chairman
Ronnie Evans, Secretary
LaDonna Jordan, Treasurer
Larry Holt, Assistant Secretary
Beth Tilley, Assistant Treasurer
Legal Counsel: David Archer, Sr., E. Keith Lovell, H. Boyd Pettit, III
Special thanks is given to the City of Cartersville and Bartow County Governments for their unified vision for economic development and funding invested in the operations of the Bartow-Cartersville Joint Development Authority (BCJDA) / Cartersville-Bartow Economic Development.
Appreciation is also extended to the many partners that share in this united vision and collaborate for the economic success of our community.
The BCJDA holds recurring public meetings at noon on the third Tuesday of each month at the Clarence Brown Conference Center. To respect the time of the volunteer Board Members, please note that meetings are subject to being cancelled if agenda content is insufficient. Please check the Daily Tribune News, the Legal Organ of Bartow County, for meeting notices at least 24 hours in advance.

Read about the latest news and announcements.
Apr 18, 2024 | SUNMAX TECH Settles in Adairsville.
New Energy Industry Component Manufacturer, SUNMAX TECH, Officially Settles in Adairsville, Georgia Offical statement from SUNMAX TECH: For Immediate Release…
Dec 07, 2023 | Anheuser-Busch celebrates $13 million investment in Cartersville brewery.
By David Herron Anheuser-Busch conducted a tour with several guests Nov. 27 to celebrate the company investing $13 million into its Cartersville…
Nov 13, 2023 | Georgia Deal of the Year awarded to Bartow project.
By David Herron Hyundai Motor Group and SK On won the Georgia Deal of the Year award in…
Nov 03, 2023 | Switch’s plan for new $772 million data center will boost investment in Bartow.
By: John Druckenmiller A $772 million data center identified as a “north campus” for an even larger complex in Douglas…
contact information
Melinda Lemmon
Executive Director
Cartersville-Bartow Economic Development
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Matthew Thomas, 770.607.1198